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Frequently Asked Questions
What Makes Us Different
49 day puppy program includes:
- Medical Care preformed by a Licensed Veterinarian:
- Dewclaw removal at 3-5 days old $45,
- 6 week shots DA2PP+CVK Puppy Vaccine $15,
- Exam $75,
- Exam letter of Health Certificate $10,
- Fecal test O&P + Giardia $53,
- Deworming with Panacure $15
- Family visitation supplies for shoe sanitization and gloves $25,
- ENS (Early Neurological Stimulation) conducted for 16 days. $400
- Sight and Sound Stimulation, basic training and commands 21 days $677.
- Our certified trainers teach calm settle and relaxation techniques, focusing on human contact. Basic commands are mastered.
- Products to include kennel, leash and more $300.
- Individual Puppy evaluation using Volhard method $100
Total cost with puppy $4500
We Guarantee your puppy will be free of any parasites and disease upon take-home!
This includes a life time guarantee on all 154 inherited disease parents have been tested for as well as a 26 month hips and elbows.
Next Level Options
Advanced puppy program available through Go My Puppy, www.gomypuppy.com.
- 9 week shots
- fecal testing
- additional deworming
- health certificate at 9 week exam
- Advanced commands
- Kennel overnight training
- Wire play pen training
- Leash training
- In-home settling commands and more.
Products: see gomypuppy.com for complete list
Safe social engagement off property and more.